The inspiration for Winston came back in 2019 when I illustrated a whippet dog. I did so after browsing through images from the 1920s era. Whippets and Afghan dogs were often used alongside beautiful ladies, out for a bracing walk. I began with a simple whippet image and then decided to see if I could create two very different patterns with the same image. First I designed Winston, that you see below. Winston is a male whippet and I wanted him to be proud and have a fresh, retro 1950s feel with bold colours.
Then I designed Willow (Winston's female partner). I wanted Willow to feel very feminine and demure, so for her I chose a more Edwardian feel with a busy botanical background with softer colours.
Rachel Goodchild | Design Blog
Creating Pattern for Textile, Product, Home & Packaging
Rachel is a member of ACID (Anti Copying In Design) & DACS (Design & Artists Copyright Society)​All copyright, design rights and other intellectual property rights in Rachel’s designs and products,
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Any infringement of these rights will be vigorously pursued. ​Copyright Images © Rachel Goodchild 2023. All rights reserved.